
Hcl Strong Or Weak Acid

Strong Acids and Weak Acids

Classification Scheme based on pKa

The dissociation of an acid HA is determined by its acidity constant 1000a:

(1) HA  =  H+ + A- with   Yarda = [H+][A-] / [HA]

Potent acids dissociate completely in water, while weak acids do not dissociate completely. A classification based on acerbity constants or pKa values seems natural.

Let's denote the total corporeality of the acid past CT ≡ [HA]T (which is de facto the acrid's initial concentration earlier it dissolves). In the equilibrium state, the total concentration splits into its undissociated and dissociated parts:

Strong and weak acids then differ equally follows (greatly simplified):

Strong Acrid Weak Acrid
acidity constant: 1000a ≫ ane Ka ≤ 1
pKa = -log Thousanda pKa < 0 pKa > 0
[H+] = 10-pH [H+]  ≈  CT [H+]  ≪  CT
undissociated acid: [HA]  ≈  0 [HA]  ≈  CT
dissociated acid: [A-]  ≈  CT [A-]  ≪  CT

In literature, there is no sharp border line betwixt what we call a strong acid and what we call a weak acid. More refined classification schemes distinguish fifty-fifty betwixt very strong acids, stiff acids, weak acids, very weak acids etc. Concerning aqion, however, we prefer the simple sectionalization into two groups:

strong acids: acids with pKa < 0
weak acids: acids with pKa > 0

Polyprotic Acids. The idea remains valid even for N-protic acids, HNA. The acidity constant 1000a should only be replaced past the 1st dissociation constant M1. The mathematical description is straightforward (run across Appendix):

(3) undissociated fraction  =  \(\dfrac{ane}{ane+K_1/x}\) with  x = [H+] = x-pH

The diagram below displays the undissociated fraction of some common acids (based on 3). The minor circles marking the respective pK1 values. As expected, stiff acids are completely dissolved in real-globe applications (pH > 0).

undissociated fraction of strong and weak acids

Group 1:  Strong Acids with pKa < 0

Potent acids used in aqion are:

hydroiodic acrid Howdy pKa = -x
hydrobromic acid HBr pKa = -9
hydrochloric acrid HCl pKa = -vi
sulfuric acrid (1st dissociation step) H2SO4 pKa = -3
selenic acid (1st dissociation footstep) H2SeO4 pKa = -three
nitric acid HNO3 pKa = -1.32
chromic acid H2CrO4 pKa = -0.86

Notation: Due to the fact that Howdy, HBr, HCl, H2SO4, H2SeO4, and HNOiii near do not exist in undissociated form their first dissociation step is not explicitly contained in the thermodynamic

Example calculations with stiff acids are presented here.

Group 2:  Acids with pKa > 0  (Weak Acids)

In dissimilarity to the strong acids with negative pKa values, acids with pKa > 0 are explicitly divers in the thermodynamic database of aqion by their log One thousand values. Here are some examples listed in the gild of decreasing strength (valid for standard weather at 25 and one atm):

Reaction Formula log Grand pK Ref.
HSeO4 - = H+ + SeOiv -2 -one.66 i.66 [W]
HSO4 - = H+ + Then4 -two -1.988 1.988 [W]
HiiiPO4 = H+ + HtwoPO4 - -two.147 ii.147 2 [M]
Fe+3 + H2O = H+ + FeOH+2 -two.xix 2.xix [W]
H3AsOiv = H+ + H2AsOfour - -2.3 ii.3 [West]
H3Citrate = H+ + H2Citrate- -3.128 3.128 [M]
HtwoSeO3 = H+ + HSeOiii - -3 3 [Westward]
HF = H+ + F- -3.18 3.eighteen [West]
HNOii = H+ + NO2 - -3.22 iii.22 [E,L]
HFormate = H+ + Formate- -iii.753 three.753 [M]
H2Se = H+ + HSe- -3.8 3.8 [Due west]
HLactate = H+ + Lactate- -three.863 3.863 [Due east,L]
H2MoOiv = H+ + HMoOfour - -3.865 three.865 [M]
HMoO4 - = H+ + MoOiv -two -4.290 4.290 [M]
HAcetate = H+ + Acetate- -4.757 4.757 [M]
H2Citrate- = H+ + HCitrate-2 -4.761 4.761 [K]
Al+iii + H2O = H+ + AlOH+ii -5.0 5.0 [W]
H2COthree * = H+ + HCOiii - -six.351 six.351 3 [Due west]
HCitrate-two = H+ + Citrate-3 -6.396 vi.396 [G]
HCrOiv - = H+ + CrOfour -two -6.509 vi.509 [Thousand]
HiiS = H+ + HS- -half dozen.994 6.994 [Westward]
H2AsOiv - = H+ + HAsOfour -2 -7.16 vii.16 [W]
HtwoPOfour - = H+ + HPO4 -two -7.207 7.207 [W]
HSeO3 - = H+ + SeOiii -two -8.5 viii.v [W]
H3AsOiii = H+ + H2AsO3 - -9.15 9.15 [W]
H3BO3 = H+ + H2BO3 - -9.24 nine.24 [W]
NHfour + = H+ + NH3 -9.252 9.252 [W]
HivSiO4 = H+ + H3SiO4 - -9.83 9.83 [Due west]
HCOthree - = H+ + COthree -2 -10.329 x.329 [Due west]
HAsO4 -2 = H+ + AsO4 -3 -xi.65 11.65 [W]
HPO4 -2 = H+ + POiv -iii -12.346 12.346 [W]
HS- = H+ + Due south-ii -12.918 12.918 [W]
H3SiO4 - = H+ + HiiSiOfour -two -13.17 xiii.17 [W]

As mentioned above, the strong acids with pKa < 0 (e.g. Hullo, HBr, HCl, HiiAnd sofour, HNOiii) are not present in this tabular array (and database). In addition, acidity constants of many organic acids are presented here.

These acids are bachelor equally inorganic and organic reactants in the reaction tool (pH calculator). Calculated pH values for i, 10, and 100 mM are shown in this table.

Weak Acids vs Dilute Acids

A weak acrid and a dilute acrid are two different things, like apples and oranges. The get-go relies on the acidity constants Chiliada (which is a thermodynamic holding of the acid that no one can change) while the 2d relies on the amount CT of a given acid:

weak acid strong acid small Ma large Yarda
dilute acid concentrated acid small CT large CT

Y'all cannot make a weak acid stiff, simply you tin can change the degree of dilution (or concentration) as you like. The principal differences between the caste of strength and the degree of dilution can be summarized every bit follows:

degree of Forcefulness caste of Dilution
determined by: acerbity constant Yarda amount of acid CT
relationships: weak acid ↔ strong acid dilute acid ↔ concentrated acid
small Ka ↔ large Ka small CT ↔ large CT
(positive pKa ↔ negative pKa)
compares: ii unlike acids dilution of the aforementioned acid
describes: release of H+ dilution of H+
type: fundamental property control parameter
(cannot be changed) (tin can exist changed)

Instead of Chiliad, the classification can as well be based on pK, as indicated by the pK-CT diagram beneath. (Annotation: For polyprotic acids pK refers to the first dissociation step.)

weak/strong vs dilute/concentrated acids

Appendix – Undissociated Fraction of Acrid

Given is an Northward-protic acid HNA characterized past Northward acidity constants K1 to KN. The sum over all acid species defines the full concentration (mass remainder):

(A1) CT ≡ [HNA]T =  [HNA] + [HN-1A-] + … + [A-N]

The fraction of the undissociated species is expressed by the ionization fraction a0:

(A2) undissociated fraction: a0 =  [HNA] / CT

Its pH dependence is given by:iv

(A3) \(a_0(x) \,=\, \left( 1+\dfrac{K_1}{ten} + \dfrac{K_1K_2}{x^ii}+ \dfrac{K_1\cdots K_N}{ten^Due north} \right)^{-one} \approx\, \left( 1+\dfrac{K_1}{x} \correct)^{-1}\)

where x is an abbreviation for [H+] = 10-pH.


[Eastward] Database EQ3/6 taken from: T.J. Wolery: EQ3/six, A Software Package for Geochemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems: Package Overview and Installation Guide (Version 7.0), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory UCRL-MA-110662 PT I, Sep 1992
[L] Database llnl taken from: '' prepared by Jim Johnson at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in Geochemist'south Workbench format. Converted to PhreeqC format by Greg Anderson with help from David Parkhurst (llnl.dat 4023 2010-02-09 21:02:42Z dlpark)
[M] Database minteq taken from: J.D. Allison, D.S. Brown, K.J. Novo-Gradac: MINTEQA2/PRODEFA2, A Geochemical Cess Model for Environmental Systems, Version 3.0, User's Manual, EPA/600/3-91/021, March 1991
[W] Database wateq4f taken from: J.W. Ball and D.K. Nordstrom: WATEQ4F – User's manual with revised thermodynamic information base and exam cases for calculating speciation of major, trace and redox elements in natural waters, U.S.G.S. Open up-File Report 90-129, 1991


[last modified: 2018-03-04]

Hcl Strong Or Weak Acid,


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